1 værelses lejlighed i Ballerup
- 35 m²
- Lejlighed
- 1 værelse
1-room Studio Apartment available!! Location: Betzy Meyer’s Hoj, 2750, Ballerup Total rent including wifi, heating, water, electricity - 6525 kr. This charming studio apartment features a separate kitchen and washroom, providing you with the privacy and comfort you need. It is fully furnished along with cutlery and utensils required. There is also a big common room on each floor with Dishwashers, cooking facilities, seating and dinning area. Enjoy the vibrant campus life at DTU with all campus amenities. There is also a laundry room availa...
Det finder du i nærheden
- Indkøb: Føtex -
- 500 m
- Togstation: Ballerup -
- 2.3 km
- Fitness: Fit&Sund -
- 700 m
- Børnehave: Børnehaven Vildanden -
- 1.4 km
- Sport: Måløv Svømmebad -
- 4.8 km
- Leje
- 5.900 kr om måneden
- Placering
- 2750, Ballerup
- Lejeperiode
- -
- Verificeret udlejer
- Nej
- Dato
- I går
- Ledig
- Kontakt udlejer
- Aconto
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- Forudbetalt husleje
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